Privacy Policy

The Company

C/Mossèn Cinto Verdaguer, 13
08789 La Torre de Claramunt- Barcelona

 Article 1. Objective

The general conditions of sale have as an object the modality of sale with a distance between the brand “EVEGE” from one side, and any non-commercial and elderly natural person exclusively making a purchase on this website.

The different stages necessary for passing the order by the customer, the modalities of payment and delivery, and the follow-up of the customer’s order.

Article 2. Price

The prices of the products are communicated on the web and confirmed to the customer through the validation of the order. The prices are in euros; the validation of the order in Spain is the value of the transport; if it is exported, it has to consult the price; this is a charge of the customer. Our prices are the same around the world; the prices indicated on the web are without taxes for all orders out of Spain. We reserve the right to modify the prices at any time, keeping the price corresponding to the moment of the order’s validation.

Article 3. Place the order

The customer materializes the order filling out the data: 

Step 1: The customer adds the products selected in the shopping cart and selects the model and/or color desired. The shopping cart can be changed at any time. 

Step 2: The customer verifies the shopping cart and validates the purchase with the cost of transport. The total of the order is only the total price of the products. The delivery costs will be indicated during the validation of the order. 

Step 3: The customer creates his or her account, giving the coordinates (for delivery and invoicing). Camps with an * are compulsory camps.

Step 4: At the moment of validating the total order, the customer accepts all the general conditions of sale of the website.

Step 5: The customer will pay through the bank, and with the bank card (card number, expiration date, and 3 digits), the acceptance of the customer is materialized with the validation of his or her bank data. 

If the payment is accepted, the customer will receive a confirmation of the order.

3.1 Confirmation of the order

Once the order is processed, the customer will receive the following information: 

– Registration of the order

– The details of the articles bought

– The total price

– Costs of delivery

– An estimate of the delivery date

EVEGE has the right to not validate the order in the case of:

– Abnormal or abusive claims

– Commands abnormal in quantities commands

– Exchanges or returns that are abnormal or abusive

– Litigation with the client

– Bank coordinates suspicious

3.2 Order file

The details of the order will be archived and saved for a period of 5 years, as demanded by all companies.

Part 4. Conditions of payment

4.1 Bank payment

The payment with a bank account is going to be accepted with: VISA, MASTERCARD

In the event of a payment defect, an erroneous address, or any other problem on the client’s account, EVEGE has the right to block the customer’s order until the resolution of the problem. 

4.2 Safety of the payments

Part 5 : Deliveries

EVEGE delivers all orders to Spain and other countries with specific conditions.

5.2 Places of delivery

– Delivery of the item in stock EVEGE:

Once the order is validated, it will proceed to prepare the package with the customer’s articles and send it to the address. It will take 2–3 days after the validation of the order.

 – Delivery of the item out of stock EVEGE :

For all valid orders with items out of stock and/or personalized, an approximate delivery date will be sent by email. For international deliveries, for those who have to pass customs, we have the right to invoice the expenses if the package is returned to us. The expenses will be deducted directly from the payment for the order.

5.3 Delivery costs

Delivery costs will be included at the end of the order.

5.4 Conformity of the order

It is the responsibility of the customer to ensure, upon receiving the articles, the conformity of the order. 

Any anomaly that follows from delivery:

– Damaged package

– Lack of products

– Deteriorated products

– Products not in conformity with the order

You will have to notify us  in legal time with the receipt of the order by email to:

In the event of non-conformity, the customer will make a claim by email to obtain a free return. The non-comfort article will be sent to: 

C/Mossèn Cinto Verdaguer, 13
08789 La Torre de Claramunt- Barcelona

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